A magical world where mysterious and dangerous creatures exist is on the brink of total war. Chaos and bloodshed are everywhere. One destined to restore peace and fulfill the prophecy. A teenager named Eragon grew up in a small village until deadly creatures raided it looking for a dragon egg. Eragon, who accidentally has the dragon egg, must flee to safety across the mythical world of alagaesia. He learns that to bring peace back to this world, he must defeat the evil emperor Galbatorix. The dragon egg that he possessed has hatched and turned into a dragon that he forms a telepathic connection with. The story focuses on his connection with his dragon, Saphira, and how he will work together with mysterious powers to defeat the evil empire. I liked how the book used vivid imagery to depict this incredible place with all of the magical elements in it. It also develops the characters very well as it focuses on their arc and their growth as they encounter different experiences. I feel like the story may be a little bit rushed because the series is 4 books but that could be argued as each book is very long. Overall it is a very solid book that you should consider if you like books about fantasy and thrilling adventures.
Grant C.