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City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda (4.5/5)

Josh H.

Updated: Oct 27, 2021

Just finished the Percy Jackson series and need more mythology books to read? This book will be perfect for you!

The book City of the Plague God by Sarwat Chadda follows a boy named Sikander on his journey to stop an evil Mesopotamian god. It is part of the Rick Riordan Presents series, a series where Rick Riordan finds authors that have make books on mythology from other cultures. This book is very similar to Percy Jackson and The Kane Chronicles, but not to the extent where it feels repetitive.

One day, Sikander Aziz is working at his parents' deli when he hears a loud crash outside. He is working late at night to support his family after his botanist brother died. Once outside, he runs into two demons supposedly from Mesopotamian mythology. They try to capture him, but a mysterious figure shows up and defeats the demons. Sikander soon learns about a whole world of gods living inside New York City, and he goes on an adventure to stop the god that is trying to take over.

This book was very good, as it was interesting and moved fast enough that it held my attention. I really liked how the books slowly revealed things based on clues that were left earlier in the book, which made it very engaging and fun to read. Overall this book is a solid 8.5/10!

If you like mythology, apocalypse, or any books similar to Percy Jackson, you will definitely like this book! I would recommend this book to anyone that enjoys fun, fast-paced novels!

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