The history of technology itself is more complex and interesting than what it might show on the surface of your digital screen. Peter J. Bentley’s “Digitized”, this book goes deeper into the invention and evolution of technology over time and gives us a better understanding of the electronics we use to this day and who gave us these devices. The book basically talks about technology and its origins and how much it has evolved and become part of our everyday lives and even goes into detail about what actually happens when you order a pizza online. The whole plot of the book describes inventors of technology as a whole like a computer and the internet, and even though we might just use the internet daily, we don't actually acknowledge what happens on the inside and the process that occurs with all these signals being sent through multiple places and devices to fulfill your question in the search bar. I think it's a good book for people who are interested in how technology actually works and where it came from, and to gain a better understanding of what people had to go through to give us the devices we have today. The book is really good for people who are interested in more tech stuff specifically. To my knowledge, it is a single book and isn't a series so it's a good book with a bunch of information, and has closure at the end and doesn’t require you to look for the next book but it has a lot of stuff in one whole book so I think it's a good read if you want to be kept interested. I liked the book when it came to focusing on one topic which was obviously technology but I like how it gave me a perspective of how much we have improved over time with all our devices.
Digitized by Peter J. Bentley (4/5)
Washington T