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His Last Bow by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (5/5)

Sean H.

His Last Bow follows two German spies, Von Bork and Baron von Herling. Von Bork has secured a lot of military information for the last four years and is about ready to return to Germany. Once he gets the British signals as it would give a high advantage in strategy, Von Bork is soon knocked out and arrested by his informant who turns out to be Sherlock Holmes. This novel was very different from other Sherlock Holmes’ novels as they are often mystery centered however this one is more of a spy story with some historical elements. His Last Bow is a wonderful novel I recommend to everyone, however I must insist on reading the previous books as His Last Bow is the last novel. There aren't too many spoilers for previous stories but reading in chronological order really improves the experience.

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