The Hunger Games is a dystopian, sci-fi esque series created by Suzanne Collins. This book (the first of this 4 part series) involves a world where the population is condensed into the country of Panem. Divided by 13 districts, each district is required to send one man and one woman into the Hunger Games. While most tributes despise hearing their name called to join the games, Katniss was one to willingly participate in the Hunger Games in place of her sister Primrose Everdeen.
There are a few “simple'' rules to win the Hunger Games; Eat, Kill, Sleep, Survive. Deciding between if you want to kill the next person you see, or become allies with them, only 2 out of 24 contestants will make it out alive. We (the readers) follow the main protagonist Katniss Everdeen as she navigates the Hunger Games with fellow tribute from district 12 Peeta Mallark. Love, family, and friends are things they both prioritize, they battle both physical and mental hardships while in the games.
Personally, I have a liking towards dystopian series’, and this fits right into that category. I love how there are so many aspects and so many different characters and themes to follow in this book. It was really a pleasurable reading experience as it was not too complex to understand, but interesting enough to keep you engaged. Katniss’ courage and determination really inspires me to become a better person and how I can follow her actions.
If you prefer reading over watching, I would highly recommend this book to that crowd. However, if watching movies is your cup of tea, the live action adaptation of this book is in my opinion, just as good as this book.