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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure | Steel Ball Run | Vol. 4 - 8 by Hirohiko Araki (5/5)

Nicholas R.

Jojo’s Bizarre Adventures Steel Ball Run (Part 7) takes place in 1890 with the main protagonist being Johnny Joestar. Johnny Joestar meets a fellow named Gyro Zeppeli along his journey and they end up becoming friends. They both agree to help each other in the Steel Ball Run race which has a prize of 50,000,000 dollars for first place. The race is on horseback and is set across America starting from California to New York. After being in the race for a couple of days they hear about the mysteries of the so-called “corpse parts” of a saint over 2000 years ago which are spread across America. They learn that president Funny Valentine is behind the race and he partnered with Mr. Steel, the organizer of the race. They set up this race in order to get people to cover large distances across America in hopes of finding all the corpse parts to do reconstruct the body but the purpose of this is all unknown for now. Johnny and Gyro learn about this and start collecting some of the parts as they acquire the left arm and the right eye but their main goal is to win the Steel Ball Run race is quickly put aside and now they want to find out about the mysteries of the race and its purpose and the mystery of the mysterious corpse parts and what it would grant the owner. Luckily like all the other Joestars in the family, Johnny acquires what is called a “stand” called tusk which will help him with his journey. The novels I have read so far have been incredibly interesting and fun to read. When I'm reading the novels I feel as if I have only been reading for 5 minutes when in reality it has been over minutes. I just can't put the book down and I think it is an amazing read. The only part that is negative about the novels is that you have to read them online as the printed versions are only in Japanese. But other than that the novels are really fun to read but I recommend watching the first 6 parts which are animated on Netflix than reading the 7th installment of Steel Ball Run because it isn't in animation yet. But if you are a fan of the series who wants to enjoy more content then I highly recommend reading it because there is plenty of dialogue for people who are looking for a fun or challenging read as there are many cool things that the author puts in that I have not heard before. But if you are looking for a good storyline and good fights this book has it as well as there are stunning visuals to read through.



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