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Life of a Klansman By Edward Ball (3/5)

Mason M

The life of a Klansman is a disturbing string of stories that relate to Edward Ball's family and their stories in relation to the KKK. The story mostly revolves around Constant Lecorgne who was a great - great - grandfather of his mother. Lecorgne is a man who was born and raised in New Orleans and was taught things that would later shape his ways of thinking. Lecorgne would later turn to his darker roots when he decided to join what would become the KKK, and would embark on racist acts throughout towns and cities. Overall the book is pretty mediocre, it's just poorly paced with some parts of the story going a little too slow for my liking, but it does keep the reader interested knowing the fact that this is all based on real life experiences. I'd say I'd have to rate this book a 3/5.



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