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Omar T.

The author Walter Dean Myers of the book titled Malcolm X By Any Means Necessary, wrote this book as a bibliography to showcase the story of Malcolm X and a widely known human right activist. On May 19, 1925, Malcolm X was born. Later when he grew up, he saw the effect of white people having complete control over the black population. He knew that with a valiant effort, he could change this corrupted democracy. After Malcolm X was released from prison in 1952, he started immediately trying to make an impact. He would give speeches to the public, and spread his thought all over the United States of America. He wanted to bring as much value to his life as he could. For example, it says, “Malcolm worked as hard as he could. He went wherever he was needed or requested to speak.” (Walter Dean Myers, 86). Along his journey to achieve this dream, he faced many hardships. Some of these included harsh treatment from various officers or rudeness from people opposing his dream. One example is an instant where Hinton a well-known activist and friend of Malcolm X where said, “As Hinton tried to defend himself, other police officers joined the scuffle and clubbed Hinton to the ground” (Walter Dean Myers, 88). This shows that pursuing this dream and implementing it was not as easy as it looks. To add on, later in June of 1964 Malcolm X founded the Organization of Afro-American Unity. He created this Unity after leaving the Nation of Islam after finding out that the Islam that Elijah Muhammad followed was not the correct one. Even though Malcolm X might have faced all these hardships and obstacles in his path, he found a way to overcome them and pursue the one and only dream in his life. To make every living being equal to one another.

I think that this book was very memorable and interesting. It showed the perseverance that Malcolm X and other civil rights activists had in making things right. To add on, I agree with the author's showcase of this iconic figure, as a major influencer and up-right fighter. Some issues that this book might raise could be the overall suggestion that white people were the ‘bad’ people in this bibliography. But in truth this only talks about specifics. The book also leaves out information about Muhammad Ali a close friend and activist to Malcolm X. This book affected me greatly because it showed me how people are willing to do anything and risk their lives in order to make things right. Overall my opinion has not changed on this specific topic, but it reflects the racism that is still occurring to this date.

This book has been very informative and fascinating because of the various aspects that were covered in black history. Even though there might have been some bias in this book, overall it relays an important and vital message to society. Even though there are risks in achieving what you want you must do it anyways is the overarching message. I highly suggest this book because it will change your perspective immensely on society and class.

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