Miles: The Autobiography follows jazz trumpeter Miles Davis’ life.
The Autobiography details Miles Davis’ story from his humble beginnings as a young trumpeter, having a personality and life similar to every other kid around him. He practiced until one day he graduated and decided to take music seriously. He moves to New York City in hopes of playing with some of the best jazz musicians, like Charlie Parker, and for school. Note that I have only read roughly 1/3 of the book, but I assume the rest of the book also follows his story throughout the rest of his life. I have 0 complaints about the storytelling of the book. It flows smoothly. This is an excellent read for anyone interested in jazz music and jazz history, as it inadvertently explains jazz history while also telling MIles’ story. It kept me interested throughout the 130 pages I read without having anything interesting actually happening at times. Miles has an excellent way of telling his story, and my only critique would be that it is very inappropriate for younger audiences and has a very dark tone at times, synonymous with how dark some pieces of jazz history are. It has been a great read for me and it is great insight into Miles Davis’ life, insight that would not be attainable through second-hand sources. 8/10 overall for me thus far.