Project Hail Mary: the story of Ryland Grace, an astronaut who wakes up on the spaceship Hail Mary and can’t remember a single thing. As he slowly remembers why he is there little by little, he realizes that he is on a mission to save humanity from a threat by a microscopic life form called Astrophage. It thrives on the Sun's energy and if not stopped, can cause Earth to become a planet of total darkness. Grace is also fighting feelings of loneliness and confusion on his solo mission.
The book has a great amount of scientific detail, and presents the complex ideas in a way that can be easily understood by the reader. Grace’s struggle is not only against the problem he was sent to solve, but also against the endless, lonely journey he has ahead of him. The peak of the story is his meeting with Rocky, an alien from a different system. This part of the book brings a friendly humor to the dire situation, and develops a story of two unlikely individuals working together to solve a problem to save their own species.
Weir also finds a way to have a perfect balance between humor and friendship, and the weight of the mission. The risk, and stakes are very high at times in the book, but Grace manages to keep the story lighthearted using his witty narration. Due to that, I found that the story was enjoyable to read even with such scary circumstances. The pacing of the book was great, and kept me turning the page to see how the story would develop further.
Project Hail Mary will have every reader at the edge of their seat, mixing science fiction with humor and the unbreakable human spirit. Andy Weir has written a fascinating story that is interesting and gripping as it is entertaining. I highly recommend this book to anyone who enjoys sci-fi or anyone in general. This book will have anyone glued to the pages, reading each word and sentence wondering what will come next, from the very first to the very last page.