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Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline (4/5)

Audrey F.

Ready Player Two is an outstanding book. The book is a sequel to the insanely popular Ready Player One. I have only gotten about halfway through it, and I have not read Ready Player One, but here is what I have read so far: The book tells the story of Wade, a former nobody who had previously won a contest inside a simulated video game world which gave him huge amounts of wealth and fame. After he won the first contest, another contest presented itself in which Wade was to find something called the “Seven Shards” within the game. He is having no luck, but then a character within the game holds every user hostage and says he will effectively kill them all if Wade doesn’t get the shards within a certain time frame. So, Wade and his friends, Aech, Shoto, and Samantha, who helped him win the first contest, embark on an adventure to find the shards.

The storyline was very exciting, and many unexpected things happened, which I felt added a lot of excitement to reading the book. It was also rather funny, and the main character was very genuine and relatable. The only problem I had with the book was that it was very hard to follow having not read the first book. I had to look up a detailed summary of the first book to fully understand some of the story, which I didn’t really like. Other than that, it is a great book to dive into. It is exciting, funny, and relatable, making it an excellent choice for readers who just want to fall into a story completely.



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