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Ready Player Two by Ernest Cline (4/5)

Liam W

Ready Player Two isn’t as good as I thought it would be.

Written by Ernest Cline, Ready Player Two is set after Wade Watts wins the contest for Halliday's fortune. Halliday was a very wealthy video game designer who was the owner of the largest VR company. The book describes Watts’ life after the contest and the new challenges he faces along the way.

The plot of this book is very similar to the plot of the previous book. In the previous book, Wade had to collect three different keys to winning Halliday’s fortune, in this book, Wade has to collect 7 shards to figure out another one of Haliday’s secrets. However, to make this harder an artificial intelligence of Haliday holds Wade and his friends captive by not letting them leave the Oasis and will set them free if they find all seven shards.

The beginning of the book is very slow-paced and not at all interesting. The majority of it is a refresher of the events of the previous book. Cline also drags on details about Wade’s life that are not necessary for the reader to know. However, once the 7 shards are revealed and the Haliday Artificial intelligence takes Wade and his friends hostage the book becomes much more interesting. Overall I would rate this book a ⅘, it would have been a much better read if the beginning was not as stretched out and boring to read.

To conclude, I would recommend this book to those who have read the first book or are looking for a very interesting sci-fi-themed book. It continues on with the previous story in the same style as the previous book. Overall this was a pleasant read and would be interesting to read any future books that may be released.



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