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Owen K.

The Seneca is a collection of letters from Seneca, a stoic philosopher, who was a wealthy Roman and was a teacher to Emperor Nero. The letters contain lots of stoic wisdom, stoic philosophy, and are characterized by individualism. It also contains lots of letters focusing on the things you can't control, and not on the things in which you have no control. While the letters talk about many subjects, the main theme is the stoic philosophy, which focuses on the individual's control and freedom and advises against worrying about what other people think. The idea that things are only as bad as you make them and that through willpower, we can make meaning of our lives. Because this book was written around 2000 years ago, it is kind of hard to read, but there are enough interesting and good points that Seneca makes to make it a good read. Around 225 pages, the book is not particularly long, but is not short either. The book gave me a new perspective on how to look at things that gives me more control over my emotions. I learned to think more clearly and choose how I want to feel when something goes wrong. Sometimes I think that everything is against me and there is nothing I can do but that only makes things worse for myself. Instead of feeling pity for myself I should make the situation as it is and choose how I want to go about it. I think other people might find the ideas of Seneca to be helpful for them. If you are planning on reading Seneca I recommend you take in the ideas of the philosopher instead of treating reading this book as a chore. Reading this book will give you new ideas on how to face challenges, handle emotions, and think about the world around you. Whether you want to believe or use those ideas in your life is up to you. But I recommend implementing some of the ideas of this book into your life after reading because I think it can definitely benefit most people.



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