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The Fault In Our Stars by John Green (4/5)

Leah K.

Hazel, suffering from thyroid cancer, meets a young boy, Augustus Waters, at a cancer support seminar. They immediately hit it off and learn true love comes with challenges. This book was memorable; the author, John Green, makes sure everyone can relate to it. From cheezy phone calls to crying on the shoulder. Unfortunately, the book has lots of fillers, which makes it boring to read at times, but the ending is worth it. I loved how John Green portrayed Augustus’s emotions and connected the two characters on a deeper level. Not only did the author write about love, but also the suffering a family goes through. Showing the complex pain of trying to support your loved one while being realistic. Unlike the storyline of Never Eighteen by Megan Bostic, John Green makes his characters live life to the fullest and cherish every moment they have. This book made me feel less alone when my dad had cancer. I could relate to the character’s loss and the happy moments they shared. The Fault In Our Stars is captivating. John Green shows every aspect of love and loss and reminds you to be present and not worry about the future.


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