The novel tells the story of Eddie, an elderly man whose profession takes place at an amusement park. He's always wanted a better life but never had the chance. One day, he saves a girl from a collapsing ride and dies in the process. Eddie goes to see the Blue Man in heaven and the man informs Eddie that he will meet five significant people. The Blue Man also educates Eddie on the importance of human connection. Eddie then meets the Captain in a jungle battleground. Eddie enlists in World War II in a flashback and is taken captive. He tries to save someone but is shot and left permanently crippled. The Captain dies trying to save his men and teaches Eddie the value of sacrifice. Eddie travels again and sees his father. The reader goes on an adventure through Eddie's life including his courtship and marriage to Marguerite. Eddie is left feeling lost without her, but in heaven, Marguerite teaches him that love can transcend death. It's a beautiful reminder that the people we love never truly leave us. Eddie's lonely birthdays after Marguerite's death make him regret staying at Ruby Pier and feel like his life is meaningless. In heaven, Eddie finally meets the last person, a girl named Tala who he killed during the war. She basically explains to him his true purpose in life that he fulfills.
First of all, the unique way in which the author structured the book is definitely one of its strengths. I have never seen a book that starts backward and counts down the time a character has left to live. It definitely keeps the reader engaged and curious throughout the entire story. I also must say it is a highly thought-provoking book. The author's adeptness in interweaving different storylines and characters is truly impressive. It made me ponder upon my own life and the influence I have had on others.
My advice to future readers would be to approach the book with an open mind and to take the time to reflect on the themes presented. It's a book that can offer valuable insights into the meaning of life. I would highly recommend this book to anyone seeking a meaningful read!
OFFICIAL TRAILER! Watch for a preview of the movie or book!
Video Cited
Albom, Mitch. “The Five People You Meet in Heaven (Film) Official Trailer.” Vimeo, 27 Dec. 2020, Accessed 25 Sept. 2023.