The Maze Runner is an action packed Sci-Fi, Apocalyptic, and action packed story by James Dashner. In this novel, young men are stuck inside of a building and the only way out is a dangerous maze that changes nightly, many believe it is impossible to escape. All throughout the story, you are constantly fearing, cheering and or crying for the characters in the book. The main theme I picked up from this story is brotherhood and teamwork. We are introduced to many characters that truly do care about each other's safety. First notably Thomas (the main character), I feel as though many people can relate to him. His bravery and commitment to the cause are admirable and you become very personally connected to him yourself. I had a very positive opinion on this book and I feel a lot of other people looking for an interesting story will also. Even if you are not a huge fan of Sci-Fi books or stories, I still think you will like this book due to how well the characters were portrayed and how the story ended up playing out. This book is nonstop action and I love all of the fights that happen against their enemy the Grievers, which are the evil monsters inside of the maze. There are runners who are constantly trying to find a way out of the maze, however countless of them have been stung by these grievers making them out for blood in the camp. Thomas and the other men know how dangerous of a job a runner is, but they also know the consequences if they don't make it out of the maze. From this story I learned how important bravery and brotherhood is to our lives. Without these two things, the men probably would have less of a chance of escaping the maze then they do now. In the beginning of the book when Newt is explaining the roles of people in their community, Thomas is instantly intrigued by the role of the runners (The most dangerous job by far to the men). When he notices a little bit later the damage the maze can do to someone, he still does not fear, instead stays persistent to help them find a way out of the maze. So, should you read this novel? My vote is for sure. I am personally not a big reader myself and often struggle to get through pages, but for this story I thought it was an interesting take from page 1. This book affected me in such a positive way, it made me want to read more books like it. I felt no issues going through pages and simply just enjoying the story. Some parts did tend to get very intense and I feel as though James Dashner did an awesome job portraying what is going on in the words. All in all, I had a very positive view on this read. One of if not the best books I have read to date.
Mason F.