The Prince and the Pauper is a fictional story that begins by explaining the lives of two boys, one with the lifestyle of riches and comfort, while the other has to endure rags and mistreatment, a prince and a pauper. Coincidently, these two boys (Prince Edward and Tom Canty) meet one day and notice that they look exactly alike. Somehow, they were compelled to trade places, Tom Canty living in a castle with the king and servants, while Prince Edward lives in Offal Court with Tom’s abusive father, John Canty. Throughout the book, the prince goes through many adventures trying to run away from John Canty, exploring the outside world, and realizing how no one will treat him with respect or kindness when only looking at the rags he's dressed in. Meanwhile, Tom Canty enjoys a lavish life and gets used to the daily rituals of a prince. In both situations, they understand the cruel laws of England and how harsh the punishments were back in the 1600s.
I liked how moving the book was in some parts. It was also very entertaining reading about how people lived so long ago and understanding the economic inequality between poor and rich citizens of England.
This book was written in 1881 but tells a story that takes place 300 years before, so the wording is very different. Though, I think this book was written to attract younger readers. So, if you’re interested in reading a short book compact with adventure, this is the book for you.