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The Scorch Trials (5/5)

Kaylin C.

This book is about a group of teenage boys, ages ranging from 12 to 18, who came from living in a maze, made by a group called WICKED, with no memory into an apocalyptic world with a disease called the Flare. This disease makes you go crazy and makes you so sick to the point where your body is decomposing while you are still alive. The boys found out that they themselves have the disease called the Flare and if they want to survive the group called WICKED will supply them all the cure only if they make it through the Scorch Trials where what’s left of the government/WICKED send everyone who is infected by the Flare. To get the cure though, they have to beat an all-girl group who went through a similar maze experience as they did.

This book was super entertaining. It left the reader with so many questions and not enough answers so you just had to keep reading to figure out more information. This is the second book of The Maze Runner series so I wasn’t sure how the author would pick things back up. He did a great job though. He hooked the reader back in and created new mysteries that make you want to continue reading. This book brings up what might happen if the world is so ridden with a disease that there is nothing you can do but put the infected in a scheduled area to hope the disease won’t spread anymore. James Dashner has a good way of hooking the reader in and giving you just the right amount of information about questions you have that makes you still want to keep reading to find out more. Rick Riordan, who writes incredible fiction book series about mythologies in different places like Greece and Egypt, has a similar way of writing to James Dashner. I think that’s why I like The Maze Runner series so much. Reading this book got me hooked into the lives of the characters. In some way, I feel like I can relate to what the infected feel about being stuck in a place with no way of being able to see the people you care about. It reminds me a lot of quarantine and how I wasn’t able to see family members and my friends.

Overall I thought this book was great. I recommended this book for future readers especially if you like apocalyptic and sci-fi books. I would say to read this book carefully because what you thought would happen could turn out to be something completely different.


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