The Vanishing Deep Is a captivating fantasy with a hint of post-apocalyptic world-building. In this book, A great flood has washed over the earth, submerging the old world under the sea and making way for a new one. On this sodden ocean planet, only a few true Islands remain, one of these being Palindromena, a research facility that has made a groundbreaking discovery. They can bring people back to life. The conditions for this are rare because they had to have had a water-related death, like drowning, and be preserved in a crushed coral gel. Even though this second chance only lasts for 24 hours, Tempest Alrien has saved for years to bring her sister back to life, diving under the water to search the ruined fragments of the world that once was for anything of monetary value. Her sister, Elysea, died in a mysterious boating accident 2 years ago, and Tempest wants nothing more than that 24 hours with her sister. Not because she feels that sisterly bond drawing her in, begging for one last memory together, but because Elysea died with a secret. She knew what happened to their parents many years ago, and why they left their teenage daughters alone with only each other to depend on.
This book is written so well, that even though the time span of the book is one day, you feel a deep connection with each and every character. It will take your hope and anticipation, and build it up line by line, word by word until the plot twists make you wonder what the author has in store next. Now, I don't think I've ever cried from a book, but this one definitely got me dangerously close. Snuggle up with a blanket and something warm to drink, because this book will have you reading into the dark hours of the night.