In Want, by Cindy Pon, the main character Jason Zhou lives in a plagued society segregated between social classes. The wealthier side of the society gets to live longer due to an expensive suit protecting them from this plague. Due to this, Zhou decides to invade Jin Corporation, the manufacturers for the wealthy. He does this in grief of his mother’s passing so he can change things for others. However, the more in depth Zhou goes into this corporation, the more twists and turns he finds in this corrupted society. I thought that this book was a pleasurable read as it connects to past events in our society. I think we can really relate to the plagued environment in this book with the corruption aside. It really hits home with the COVID−19 situation we are currently living in. Overall, I think that it is a great book to read. Finally, I advise viewers to really go in depth into the text and really look at how it connects to our current life.
Andre L