The book When by Victoria Laurie follows the story of Maddie Flynn. She is a junior in high school who has the ability to see people's death dates above their heads. The death of her father made her realize that the numbers were everyone's death dates. Her mother, an alcoholic, makes her use the power to bring in some extra money for their family. After a particular client comes in seeking help for her ill child she shows a picture of all of her children. Maddie notices the ill child will be fine but one of the other ones will die later that week. When the boy goes missing on the date Maddie is sent into a legal investigation. She becomes involved in a murder investigation. As more local children go missing and are found to be murdered. The story takes twists and turns as the investigation continues upon Maddie. Throughout, I found myself shocked and surprised by the things that happened to Maddie. Personally, this book is worth a read and enjoyable. I felt hooked and wanted to read more as the author brings in new surprises and details. If you are to read this book, I recommend paying close attention to the wording. This book is a good read for if you enjoy Sci-Fi and Mystery.
When by Victoria Laurie (4/5)
Jack H.