A Wind In The Door, the sequel to A Wrinkle In Time which won the Newbery Medal, starts off with Meg’s younger brother, Charles, exclaiming that he had seen dragons in their garden. Because they had already experienced many weird phenomena in their first adventure, A Wrinkle In Time, the three main characters in this book Meg, Charles, and Calvin are not incredibly surprised by the new creatures that they begin to meet. Suddenly, Charles falls deathly ill and Meg realizes that his illness is somehow connected to the supernatural beings that she has met. Meg, along with Calvin and their other new friends, set on a journey to save Charles (and possibly all of Earth).
I think that this is a decent book, but I also think that it is under my level of reading. I also thought that some of the concepts in this book were trying to sound complicated and deep but were actually very silly. Also, I personally found this book to be very boring and I would zone out every five minutes while reading. Given all of this, I rated the book a three out of five.
This book is perfect for students who want to read an easy and quick book for an assignment. However, if you are more interested in books with more action, then this book will definitely bore you.
it was so boring