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A Wrinkle in Time

Jonathan Q.

To begin, in the science fiction, A Wrinkle In Time, by Madeleine L’engle, a young teenager named Meg is introduced. She struggles to fit into her life and mostly fails to understand things at school. In addition, her younger brother, Charles Wallace is introduced. Charles is a smart, innocent, and joyful child while also having traits such as being ignorant. A little later on in the novel, Meg’s father, a respected physicist, suddenly disappears. His sudden disappearance causes dismay in Meg’s family and curiosity to spark in both Meg and Charles. Soon after, Meg, Charles, and a friend named Calvin meet 3 celestials named Mrs. Who, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Whatsit. Initially, their arrival is sudden and confusing but the group soon realize that these celestials could be the barrier between them and their father. So, with some hesitation, Meg, Charles, and Calvin decide to embark on the journey.

Throughout their novel, they are informed that an evil presence lurks over them which is known as the “Black Thing” or “IT”. Supposedly, this evil presence shadows over planets and corrupts anything in its way. Eventually, the group finds their father who is imprisoned by IT. However, IT, which is controlled by Camazotz, a forceful planet, manipulates Charles to become one of their own. The manipulation of Charles causes implications between the group fighting to save their father. The disturbance is harmful but Meg realizes that IT can be stopped with the power of love. With much persistence, Meg manages to pull Charles out of the mind of IT and prepares to fight the Black Thing and IT. With her new found realization that love is their weakness, she uses it against them. Ultimately, Meg defeats the Black Thing and IT. Soon later, Meg, along with Charles, Calvin, and her father, return home.

Meg learned a valuable lesson through her difficult journey: Love is important to always keep in their hearts. She realizes that love can ultimately be the key to defeating the darkness.

This book overall got better towards the end of the book. It was quite slow to begin because of the confusing characters that are introduced, but it all came full circle. The overarching message was also pretty inspirational. Along with the dynamic storyline, the message became clear. The storyline also was pretty intriguing. The visual imagery used by L’engle makes readers visualize what’s going on clearly. The constant action towards the middle to end of the book makes people want to read more I think.

In the novel, it’s clear that the antagonist is the Black Thing or IT. These characters or objects represent darkness in the real world as well. A key take away that I have from this book is that it’s important that we are aware of our surroundings and are always proactive. Furthermore, it’s important that we never take things for granted, especially when it comes to family. This can be shown when Meg finally reunites with her father. Instantly, it becomes clear that she’s overwhelmed with happiness and joy not realizing that the Black Thing still lurks over them.


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