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Act Cool by Tobly McSmith (4/5)

Chris C.

August Greene, a trans boy caught between the start of his acting career and the love and approval of his transphobic parents. He landed a spot at the School of Performing Arts in New York under one condition; he can’t be himself. In his parents' words, he can’t “pretend” to be a boy. August is forced to play pretend with his parents while secretly transitioning to be the person he’s always wanted to be.

This book was a good read but had some cliche situations and moments. On top of that, this book might put the idea that trans individuals have better advantages in life which is not at all true. His achievements seem unrealistic and all out of luck, not skill. This book is a step forward in bringing trans individuals the attention they truly deserve but isn’t at all perfect.

All in all, be ready to navigate the highs and lows with August as he discovers himself and discovers how acting may not be as easy as it seems.


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