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And Then There Were None by Agatha Christie (5/5)

Brandon L.


Agatha Christine’s And Then There Were None, readers are taken through the story of 10 strangers, and how they are put through a massacre, searching for who and why this is happening to them. All promised different things, they receive mysterious letters in the mail, inviting them to Soldier Island, where they soon find out it was all a facade, and they will be fighting for their lives, trying to survive until the next safety boat passes by. Agatha uses a lot of foreshadowing and symbolism in the book, and at the end it really all comes together.

I found the book very pleasant, and easy to read. Agatha provided descriptions of each and every character, so it's able to keep track and really understand the position of each person. It was hard to put down and genuinely kept me wanting to read more. It was pretty unpredictable, and you never really know what will happen next. It is one of those novels where you can never really get too connected with a character, because of how quickly they disappear. I also really liked the setting of the book, how it took place on a gloomy island, and how the setting was really taken advantage of when it came to the murders. A message I got, but some may have not seen, is the importance of background. Due to everyone's different backgrounds, one being a judge, the other being a busy day-to-day businesswoman, it is important to recognize where everyone is coming from, and what kind of skills, motives, and past grudges they may have, and how it's important to really understand a person before making assumptions

This book is perfect for those who like a good murder-mystery classic. What I did personally, and really recommend, is to create a bookmark, listing all the characters and their personalities, motives, and backstories to make it easier to emerge yourself in the story. But if I do say so myself, this book is not recommended for those sensitive to suicide, murder, alcohol, and drug abuse. This book is also for those who enjoy classics.


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