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Atomic Habits by James Clear (5/5)

Max B

The self-help book “atomic habits” by James

Clear stands out as one of the best in the world. The way he is able to break down human

behavior and show the reader how to properly condition themselves for success is second to none. The main idea of “Atomic Habits” is that with small positive changes in behavior over time can result in huge effects. With the definition of atomic in “atomic habits” meaning “of or forming a single irreducible unit or component in a larger system.” This meaning that it takes tiny steps or small changes in your life to act as a catalyst to form a great impact. One of the reasons that James Clears book is so successful is the evidence he uses which comes from real world experience and all backgrounds of experts support James Clears philosophy of small steps to achieve great results. Another thing that makes this book unique is one of the systems that James Clear uses which he calls

“The Four Laws of Behavior” which is to make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying. These steps are what puts James Clears book so far ahead of most other books of this kind. James Clear understands the principles behind human behavior and uses his knowledge in a way to make these small habits easy, effective, and most importantly satisfying. Because James understands this he is able to pinpoint what makes improvement hard and how to make it as easy and rewarding as possible. While James helps make the process of self improvement as easy and effective as possible James also reminds the reader that the biggest part to improvement is being able to stick to it because self improvement is not easy. James tells the reader to always track your progress and keep yourself accountable as accountability is the biggest part of keeping yourself in the right direction. In conclusion James Clears’ “Atomic Habits” is a revolutionary book on the topic of self-help with the idea of small steps making big impacts using practical examples and real life evidence from credible experts and it is an overall amazing book and it is sure to help you in life.



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