Ten years after accidentally shooting his four-year-old infant sister, fourteen-year-old, Sebastian Cody mourns the loss that has haunted his childhood. After suffering numerous tragedies such as his father leaving, the isolation from his own mother, and the loathing that takes place between him and his peers, suicidal thoughts and depressive mood swings tantalize his every move. Throughout the book, Cody meets a girl, Aneesa, who changes his view on life and suddenly helps him to find a reason to move forward. Throughout the book, there were occasional suspenseful or surprising events but most of the time, it was quite predictable. The concept was interesting but the plot was predictable. However, the reason I gave the book a 4/5 is because of the overall story and how the author built the characters from the very beginning of the book, how the emotions and feelings of the characters were conveyed so clearly and descriptively. I would recommend for the author to build more suspense throughout the whole book and more elements of surprise so the reader feels an urge to never stop reading the book.
Bang by Barry Lyga (4/5)
Daniel G.