Catching Fire by Suzanne Collins is a sequel to The Hunger Games where Peeta Mellark, Katniss Everdeen, and other tributes are forced into an area for a fight to the death. There are different districts in this dystopian land and there is the main overtaking force they call the capital. The capital has control over the 12 districts where the rest of the citizens live. Each year 2 children one girl and one boy from the ages of 12-18 get their names put in a jar. The more food that you want the more times your name is entered into the drawing. The drawing determines who is going to have to fight to the death for the capital's amusement and a lifetime of resources provided by the capital. In the first book, Katniss Everdeen is in the arena as well as Peeta Mellark, they are both from district 12 the poorest of the districts. They end up winning the games against the other tributes and they trick the capital into them both winning. To do this they say they are madly in love and threaten to eat poisonous berries at the same time because they would not be able to live without one another. They both end up surviving and going back to district 12. About 6 months after they came back they have to go on ‘tour’ to each district and talk about the tributes that died in the games from that specific district. While they go to visit each district there are revolts happening against the capital and Katniss is the origin of it all because of what she and Petta did. This sparks something new and exciting to happen that has not happened in many years that may lead to everyone's freedom. When things seem to calm and everything is going ok for Katniss and Petta the next Hunger Games takes place. This is also no ordinary game, this is the quarter-quell because it is the 75th annual game. This means that the capital and the game makers are planning something crazy. The president of the Capital and others come up with an idea to bring one girl and one boy winner from each district back to the games even though they were guaranteed safety for the rest of their life. Katniss is the only girl winner in district 12 so this forces her back in for her second hunger games. She believes that the president did this to kill her in order to kill the revolts from happening. Petta is also selected for district 12 so now they are both back in the games together for the second time. They are then shoved into an arena with winners from every district fighting to the death once again not knowing how everything will end… Catching Fire is a book with many twists and turns that make you never want to set down the book. It makes you feel like you are with the characters in the book. The vivid imagery and emotion in the diction make you feel like you can imagine everything right in front of you. Katniss is such a strong character that she makes you feel like you are fighting with her for freedom and to win the games. It is a book that I would recommend to anyone that wants something that fits into the dystopian genre or anyone that wants a great science fiction book to read. I would 100% recommend reading the whole series and then following with watching the movies. To conclude, if you are looking for a book to read I would pick up this one and the whole series, but make sure you have a few hours to read when you start because you won’t want to set it down.
Catching Fire by Suzzane Collins (5/5)
Carli J.