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Chop Wood Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf (4/5)

Brian B.

What if you were a samurai in Japan, learning how to become a fierce warrior and fulfill one of your childhood dreams. In Chop Wood Carry Water by Joshua Medcalf, John leaves his life in America to go to Japan and train to be a samurai. While he expects the work to be glamorous and thrilling, he soon realizes that becoming a warrior is not as charming as it seems. He learns about the years of tedious work it takes to become his dream. I loved this book because it teaches you about "the process of becoming great," which most professionals should learn. However, if you are not looking to perfect your craft, I would not recommend it. The storyline is only there to connect chapters, and the lessons are easy to see through. However, because of the book's intention, I will give it a 4/5 because it does an excellent job teaching the reader about the gritty work to become great.


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