The first installment of the Lunar Chronicles Quartet, Cinder, is a great read for those who are looking for a more challenging read and are into science-fiction, fantasy, and apocalyptic scenarios. This story takes place in the far, far future where the countries of Earth are at peace, but the colony that lives on the moon and its people(called Lunars) are eager to take over the planet. Now these Lunars aren't just any regular people, they possess the ability to control people's minds and influence what they see. At the same time this is happening, a mysterious plague called Letumosis appears on Earth, and is killing its people rapidly. This book follows a young mechanic cyborg named Cinder who lives with her stepmother. After her step-sister passed away from the plague, Cinder is kicked out of the house and begins to get involved with mysterious happenings.
After reading this book, I would highly recommend it to anyone who gets invested into a mysterious story and is willing to put in the time to read a longer book. I would rate this a 5/5 because this is hands down one of the best books I have ever read. The author Marissa Meyers does a great job with her story-telling throughout the novel and really pulls you in to the point where you don’t want to stop reading. Throughout this novel the author plays on issues that are happening right now in present time like when she writes, “She was a cyborg, and she would never go to a ball.” (Meyer 65). The author alludes to the problem of discrimination that has plagued our world for centuries. Even though this world has moved past seeing the color of someone's skin as a way to discriminate, they still have their own stereotypes that Cinder is trying to overcome. This makes this novel very relatable to read as it seems like it could very much be happening in present day, despite all the futuristic technology
Overall, I really hope that some of you go read this amazing book and I for one can’t wait to read the next installment of this series, Scarlet. Since, if you couldn’t tell already, this story alludes to the tale of Cinderella it might seem like you would already know the story. However the author does a fantastic job of integrating new ideas into this story and is well worth the time to read. So what are you waiting for, go out and read it now!