"Code Name Verity" is a historical fiction novel by Elizabeth Wein published in 2012. Set during World War II, this book follows the story of a British spy and her pilot best friend, Maddie. After their plane crashes in Nazi occupied France, “Verity” starts her mission but is arrested by the Gestapo and taken into custody. Facing execution, she decides to reveal her story through a series of cleverly crafted and heartfelt diary entries. Bouncing between her present captivity and her recounting of the past narrated through her best friend’s perspective, she shares the past few years of her life as a radio operator, interrogator, and spy for Britain. Her calculating and intelligent ways are able to help her buy herself more time as she faces the harshness and gruesomeness of being a prisoner of the Nazis. The second part of the book picks up with her best friend’s writing as she continues the narrative until the very last page. As the novel advances, the author begins to stitch together the complex lives of these young women and their experience in WWII. Revealing pieces of the puzzle you didn’t even know were missing, Wein is able to uncover a heartbreaking and complex adventure of friendship, courage, bravery, and survival. The plot is unexpectedly deep, and forces the reader to connect to its dynamic characters and hopeful outlook on tragedy. "Code Name Verity" feels different from other WWII novels because of its focus on women’s talents on the war effort. It is like nothing I have ever read before. From the very first page I was immersed in the journey this book provides, and determined to uncover each layer. The author does an amazing job of carefully embedding foreshadowing throughout. I will say though, this book requires patience. There are many parts of this book that feel tough to get through, but it’s worth it! Whether you love historical fiction or not, this book is for everyone, anyone can enjoy it. Overall, "Code Name Verity" showcases strong themes of bravery, hope, and love through powerful female characters and unexpected twists. I strongly believe "Code Name Verity" should find its way onto every book lover's shelf.
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein (4/5)
Caroline C.