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Educated : A Memoir by Tara Westover (5/5)

Astrid L.

Educated is an autobiography from Tara Westover with her take on a strictly off-the-grid Morman family and her experiences as a child with her family and their custom to how she went out and found education for herself and the impact of it on her life. It is about a self-innovating woman going through her childhood with separations and connections with family, brothers, and the top of the mountain.

This book greatly opened my mind to how relatable it was to the reader even under drastic differences with her experiences and with family, it was eye-opening to how Westover was able to go through so much and still be able to depict both the good and the bad to show how realistic and acceptable it was for her.

This book was great, it was so well written and clearly showed the growth and love the author was able to put into words. It is definitely not for the faint of heart nor for those who want an easy, always happy reading, as this book (as it should) depicts harsh realities and difficulties the author went through and how it impacted her and her experiences.



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