Although Yoon has only written 3 novels (so far), they’ve all been listed as my favorite, beach read books. Everything, Everything is about a girl named Madeline Whittier who, from birth, was detected with a severe form of combined innumodeficiency. Meaning that she’s “allergic to the world.”. Or so she thought. Maddie is a 17 almost 18 year old who’s intelligent, creative, and obsessed with books. Because of her disease, she’s unable to leave her home. But when she sees new neighbors moving in, she can’t help but to notice Olly. Instantly, they form a close bond just through emails and gazing through windows. This love leads them to risk everything just to be together, even if that means losing everything. One day, she was sneaking through her mother’s files and found something unexpected. 18 years of her life, gone to waste. When Maddie was 3, her older brother and father got into a deadly car accident. Her mother was devastated and traumatized. She couldn’t bear to imagine losing her own daughter. Ever since, she’s kept her sheltered and close to her side. Yoon will leave you heartbroken once you get to the last of the chapters. The plot-twist will leave you stunned to the point you couldn’t stop reading. The way she writes her books is absolutely beautiful and perfectly realistic. The author admits she’s a hopeless romantic. If that’s you too, read her books! In order to be satisfied with your life, you must take risks. In my opinion, I believe that’s the best moral to live by. Make sacrifices, live a little, what hurts? After reading, my view on making promises and forgiveness shifted from being hurt automatically to learning to accept that people make mistakes due to their wants. What Nicola Yoon wants you to take away from her novel is that even if you might be trapped in a social bubble, learn to take chances. Even if it’s for love. Follow your heart and experience life in the way you never knew you wanted. That’s what Maddie and Olly did. What was bought for them in the end, is for me to know and for you to figure out. If you’re more interested in movies, a version has been created! If you’ve ever seen the film Midnight Sun, this novel is almost very similar to it as well. As Maddy once said, “I’m certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disaster.” Remember: take risks.
Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon (5/5)
Salina W.