Five Total Strangers, a book published by Natalie D. Richards is a fictional thriller for young adults. In this book, a woman named Mira coming is on break from college to visit her mother in Pittsburgh. Her trip takes a turn once a blizzard hits at the airport and Mira must resort to hitching a ride with Harper, her seatmate on her flight to Pittsburgh. Harper and 3 other stranded hitchhikers, Brecken, Kayla, and Josh agree to let Mira join them on their trip out of the airport. Mira’s seemingly innocent trip with these 4 hitchhikers makes her question if she should have even gone with them in their rental car. Missing items, suspicious riders, and a fear that Mira may be watched make this a worthy, suspenseful, and thrilling read. Reading this book left me on the edge of my seat from start to finish and is overall, a nice change of scenery from what I usually read. One of my favorite components of this book is that it isn’t 100% focused on the element of horror as it also has a heavy tolling emotional aspect to it as well. You can really feel the sense of urge, weariness, and shame while reading this which makes this book a worthwhile read. Even though this book may seem like a book best suited for Halloween, reading this at any time will still make it worth your time.
Five Total Strangers by Natalie D. Richards (4/5)
Janine T