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I Am Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter by Erika Sánchez (5/5)

Ianna P.

This book is the definition of relatable when you’re a girl in a Mexican household. Julia is a 15-year-old daughter of Mexican immigrants who narrates her own life. Olga is her dead sister who was considered the perfect Mexican daughter but Julia spends her free time figuring out all her secrets. Julia meets Connor, a rich white boy who has no idea what it is to live like her but wants to be a part of her story. The exact experiences Sanchez describes in the story instantly caught my attention. The way she talked about every detail and all the feelings Julia went through made me go through a rollercoaster of emotions from screaming into my pillow to dropping a few tears. Overall this book is amazingly written and I would one hundred percent recommend it to anyone but especially my fellow Mexican daughters.



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