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It Starts with Us by Colleen Hoover (4/5)

Ariana R.

It starts with us is a sequel to the book it ends with us. The book it ends with is narrated from Lily's point of view. The book focuses on her childhood trauma and how it affected her relationships in the future;it also goes into her one love that was homeless and now is stable,“rich”, and wants her back. It starts with us going on about her future after having a child with the guy that triggered her past trauma but now wants the love of her life Atlas. A while after her divorce with Ryle she starts to take interest in Atlas but is pulled between the factor of “what if Ryle finds out? He would probably act out in inexplicable way."

I was fairly stund when finding out Atlas the cook had a brother but was in love with the fact that Lily was giving Atlas a chance to come into her life as she always wanted you to reunite with him but when finding ryle it became harder. When they had gone on their first date It was like they had been dating already. The author shows how even though it's their first date since they have talked for years that they are completely comfortable with each other to the point where lily fell asleep in the car; and Atlas just admired her. Towards the middle it definitely slowed down as it became repetitive and when Atlas started to write his own feeling in his notes the storyline got “bleh” and there wasn't anything that kept you on your toes. That is why I gave it a ⅘ because it became a book that you would read put down and wait a couple days to read again. In the end the book seemed repetitive and I could already see what was coming before I read the book but the only thing that kept me reading is that the first book “ it ends with us" was written really well. I just hoped to see some of that writing in this book.

I do recommend this book only if you have already read “it ends with us,” because you want to get the book “it starts with us” out of the way and just read it to be able to go on and start a new book and or series.

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