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Journal 3 by Alex Hirsch and Rob Renzetti (4/5)

Isabel S.

Journal 3 is an account of the weird things that happen in a place called Gravity Falls. The journal entries include information about monsters, creatures, a triangle from another dimension, and the adventures that the characters go on. Within the story universe, the author is unknown at the beginning. Near the middle of the book, the entries are taken over by a kid named Dipper. Mabel, his sister, and his friend Soos also make a couple of entries. Eventually, the unknown author comes back and fills the readers in on what happened while he was gone. Each person who writes in the journal has a goal. The unknown or original author’s goal was to understand why Gravity Falls is so weird. Dipper’s goal was to find out who wrote Journal 3.

I really enjoyed reading Journal 3. It is worth noting that this book is based on the show Gravity Falls. Being a fan of the show made this book more interesting to read because it elaborates on the experience of the characters. Journal 3 has a lot of codes in it which allows the readers to indulge in the mysteries that the show and book are focused on. I thought it was interesting and at times, humorous since you get to see what the characters were thinking.

I would recommend this book to anyone who watched Gravity Falls or is interested in fantasy/fiction. If you do plan on reading it, I would watch the show first and then read the book in case of any spoilers. Overall, this book was well written and fun to read.



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