Lightlark is the first part of a fantasy trilogy novel created by Alex Aster. It follows the story of a queen working to break the horrific curses for her kingdom and the other five realms. Isla has to compete against the other kingdoms for her safety and that of her realm in a deadly game that no one has won for hundreds of years. Though no ruler is certain which realm would come out on top of this game, one thing is certain, one realm must fall. Throughout the entirety of this captivating novel, I found myself rooting for our main character and her best friend who she followed alongside for the book. Lightlark was one of those books that I could not force myself to put down. Especially when I was nearing the end. The number of twists in this book had my jaw dropping multiple times and I did not even think twice before ordering the second part of this series. However, there was not anything in Lightlark that was life-changing. The main plot of this book was not supposed to inform the readers of any large issues, or at least that was not it's main focus. The main character sometimes faced self-degrading issues and felt as though she did not earn the position she was put into. Isla felt she was the cause of a lot of problems that she could not control. Aster could have been informing us of the usefulness of thinking this way, that is, none. Whenever this topic is brought up it only ends up hurting her in the end. I simply wish we could have gotten more of her harmful thinking on herself throughout the novel. We only really saw this during the first few pages, there was not much development on this issue it was kinda forgotten. I do agree with the author’s way of presenting this issue. These ways of thinking ultimately end with harm to oneself. Overall, I enjoyed this book a lot and would recommend it to future readers who enjoy fantasy. Although, if you are not a fan of waiting for another book and would rather have a completed series, I would recommend a different book. The third part of this series is still in the making but should be expected to come out soon.
Lightlark by Alex Aster 4/5
Caitlyn Stevenson