Mask of Shadows, by Lindsey Miller, is an action-packed fantasy novel centered around a gender-queer thief and their high-stakes adventures in a world with assassins, magic, and a legendary queen. Sallot Leon, or Sal, as they prefer to be called, is an extremely talented thief and highway robber out for vengeance. Their homeland and family were brutally wiped from existence at the hands of dark magic-wielders as well as sinister (and homicidal) magical creations, better known as “shadows”. In order to further their goal of avenging their family and country, Sal requires a place in high society so they can enact their future plans on and around the perpetrators, who are part of a high societal class. They also wish to end their association with a mafia, to whom they are required to pay a quota of valuables every month, which is why they jump at the opportunity to become one of the queen’s professional assassins. This novel is a very well-rounded tale, equipt with thrilling mystery, stunning action, generally compelling concepts, a clearly thought-out magic system, adrenaline-inducing competition, and, later on, some pleasantly tooth-rotting romance. Overall, Mask of Shadows is quite a step above ‘a pleasant read’, but it does have a few minor issues preventing a higher categorization. This includes generally underwhelming descriptions of the magic system’s mechanics (despite its clearly potential-wrought concept), as well as a few minor plot holes that collectively wouldn’t be much of a problem if not for the butterfly effect causing any original confusion to amplify tenfold. I definitely recommend this book to readers with almost any preference for (a) specific genre(s), and I hope anyone who chooses to pick up Mask of Shadows thoroughly enjoys the experience.
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller (4.5)
Hope R. R.