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Matched by Ally Condie (5/5)

Aishlin P.

When you first enter the book you meet the main character Cassia Reyes. She lives in a society perfectly controlled. Everything is controlled from your partner in life, food, work, and even the amount of time you are allowed to run on a treadmill. Cassia and her family live in the “Burrow”. Cassia is on an air train with her best friend Xander Carrow on their way to their match banquet, where they will be matched with the person they would spend the rest of their lives with. Cassia has a lot of anxiety for this night, she debates on taking one of the pills given by the society. There are 3 pills: blue which is for health, green for calming, and red which they're not quite sure what it is. Cassia was very happy when she found out that she had been matched with Xander. Everyone on their match night get a micro card which tells you all about your match. But she already knows everything about her match so she decides she doesn’t need it but keeps it. One night she gets curious about what they wrote about Xander so she puts the micro card in the portscreen. The portscreen announces, “Cassia Reyes, the society is pleased to present you with your match.” There his face was, she was happy. She reaches out to touch the screen when it goes dark. The portscreen repeats, “Cassia Reyes, the society is pleased to present you with your match.” She looks at the picture again and it’s not Xander. She was scared, astonished, and most of all curious. She begins to fall in love with the boy on the portscreen and when she decides to take up hiking they are partnered and he falls in love with her too. Creating a love triangle between Xander, Cassia, and the boy. Cassia loves them both but the boy shows her that the society isn’t all that great, and for the first time in her life she feels free. Rebelling against the society, learning how to write, and falling in love with someone who isn’t her match.

The book was amazing. It really holds a strong message of doing what you want not what others want with Cassia breaking out of the society. I think that people who like love, rebellion, and mystery should read it. The book really adds a turn to every corner for when you think it will be easy sailing for the rest of the book but then it adds a new plot twist that you would never think of.The book matched is captivating, plot shaking, and poetic. The main point of the book helps show individuals that they don’t have to follow what everyone else does and can beat to their own drum.


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