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Rabbits By: Terry Miles (5/5)

Gabriella P.

Rabbits is a young adult fantasy book that takes place in today's times, and is far more than a page turner. Every page you flip, the more sucked in you get. It is about this young adult/kid named K. He has an extraordinary eye for patterns and an obsession for games. Though, this one game is beyond compare. It is called rabbits. In the book, people die while playing, and most lose their mind, though the winner gets a prize like no other. There's a catch though, it isn’t a computer game or on a consul, but in the depths of reality. K, his friends, and more, are in a race until the next iteration. K got a special appearance, and they told him that there was something wrong, and if not fixed, disaster was the least of their worries. As they search files, meet old friends, and search the deepest trenches and cracks of the internet, a whole new reality is released, but everything in their minds knows, they need to be quiet, because *shhhhhh* rabbits CAN’T be talked about.

As a person that has a hard time finding books I truly enjoy, gosh was this a good one. Aside from the pretty cover, the shifting scenes and time twisting illusions presented in this book, keeps you turning the page. It instills emotions like fear, excitement, and wonder that really brings it to life. As the author paths you through K’s adventure, I was always wondering what his next, “life dependent” choice would be. To be honest, there wasn’t really anything I disliked about this novel. The chapters were almost like episodes of a television show. At the end of the chapters, I would be holding my breath, then it would end on a cliffhanger, and not pick up on the next chapter, which also keeps me intrigued. I was also able to relate to this novel in certain ways which brought a larger and bigger aspect to this book within my eyes. Also, not to mention the first chapter wasn’t boring, which usually, boring first chapters lose me.

If this book sounds like something you may be interested in, I highly recommend checking it out. It is more of a pricey novel (if buying) and a longer book (400+ pages), though the content within is remarkable. The artistic- “real life” mystery and thrilling aspects of this novel are hard to beat. If you are looking for a book where you can turn pages, and go beyond your imagination, then it’s for you. Also, with the unique cover, you can definitely judge the book by it’s cover in a positive direction.


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