Ready Player One, written by Ernest Cline, is an incredible fictional adventure with constant surprises and shocks. Throughout the story, Ernest Cline's vivid imagery enlightens us to believe in ourselves and follow our dreams. In a dystopian world with nowhere left to turn, humans are forced to enter a virtual reality landscape to avoid the pains of real life. Within this virtual environment lies the creator's fame and fortune just waiting to be uncovered; as we follow the main character Wade Watts, we learn the horrible events of this world. Wade Watts is a boy born into poverty, but in virtual reality, he has everything, from cars to planes to genuine friends. Through the story, Earnest Cline makes the reader feel like they're helping Wade crack the puzzle to the creator's fortune as we travel with him throughout his journey. I thoroughly enjoyed this intriguing read. As climate change continually worsens and the planet begins falling off the rails, Ready Player One, which takes place in 2045, provides an interesting perspective on the possible future. Through the author's writing, he shows the depth of the situation across the globe; many serious conflicts are also explored, like killing for money and fighting over what is truly right. By the end of this incredible book, you'll feel fresh and satisfied with its conclusion. Without a doubt, Ready player one is near the top of my list of favorites. It covers many controversial topics while still keeping the silly and fun aspect of a good book. To anyone looking to start a wild and adventurous read, the book Ready Player One is a great choice.
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (5/5)
Jackson H.