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Ready Player One by Ernest Cline (5/5)

Luke S.

Written by Ernest Cline, Ready Player One is a thrilling novel that follows the story of Wade Watts and his friends. This story is based in the year 2045 when the multi-billionaire James Halliday had just recently passed away. He left behind his life's work, a virtual reality world called OASIS. Scattered across the world, there were five clues to the Halliday Egg. Once all the clues were found. The Halliday Egg could be discovered and the winner would take over Halliday’s company and fortune. People were looking for the egg long before Wade was born, yet he was the first person to discover the first clue. After he found the second clue, a big company called the IOI sent people in an attempt to kill Wade. This happened in real life and in the game, as the IOI couldn’t afford to have anyone get to the egg before them. Wade meets many people along the way, making friends with some, and enemies with others. They all had to work together if they wanted to stop a company with seemingly unlimited resources.

This novel kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, and there was always an exciting twist just waiting to happen. It felt as if I couldn’t put the book down, and it sucked me into this crazy world. The outlook of our future could be well represented by this book, with everything being virtual. The author made you root for Wade the whole way through, as they were constantly the underdogs. They were matched up against a company with everything, and all they had was their determination and each other. It conveyed the main message of not having everything doesn’t mean you are worse and that you should never give up.

I would definitely recommend Ready Player One to others, as shown by the five out of five rating I gave it. If Sci-Fi is interesting to you, this book should be at the top of your to-read list. I hope other people can enjoy this book as much as I did, and make sure to read the sequel Ready Player Two!

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