The story of Ready Player One follows main character Wade Watts in a journey through the OASIS to find the magical Halliday Egg. The OASIS is a virtual reality game that lets all kinds of players meet together and explore worlds playing any game you can think of. Wade and his friends go on this mission to get the egg because it gives them a final reward, complete control over the OASIS and all of Halliday stock in Gregarious Games, which is the company who has ownership over the virtual reality. James Halliday, with his friend Ogden Morrow made a small startup game in VR that can simulate any world any creator could ever want. This game ended up being a great success and granted the two friends amazing wealth and stock. It became so well known, that almost every human had a VR headset and a place in the OASIS. Many years before Wade was born, people had always been trying to find the first of five clues to get the Halliday Egg while nobody could. Once Wade and his friends found the first two clues, a company called IOI brought in many volunteer players to kill Wade for the clues in the game, and in real life.
I really enjoyed this book as I am normally a big fan of the whole Sci-Fi genre and loved the story and many pop-culture references present in this book. With the growing popularity of virtual reality, the plot of Ready Player One could one day become a reality. This novel amazingly showed that although you can get infinite experiences in the virtual world, they will never compare to the real-life ones that remain special to every human. This book had many twists and turns that leave you wanting to turn to the next page and the growing tension with climactic fight is amazingly written.
To conclude, I definitely recommend this book to any Sci-Fi fans or book readers in general as it is a really great story altogether. Cline’s way of writing from Wade’s perspective makes you feel the tension of the fast-paced journey while Wade deals with his virtual and real life, trying to hold it all together.