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Running on the Roof of the World by Jess Butterworth (4/5)

Carys G.

Running on the Roof of the World, written by Jess Butterworth is a historical fiction novel about China’s occupation of Tibet and those who escaped to India over the Himalayas. It starts by introducing the two main characters, Sam and Tash, as they race home from school. The author then reveals the rules they must follow when they are threatened by soldiers for running and Tash calls after them, saying “Dalai Lama” in defiance of the occupation. When they arrive in the village, Sam and Tash are shocked to see a ball of fire in the center of the marketplace. Tash pushes through the crowds and realizes that it is really a man who has set himself on fire in protest. He is caught by the soldiers and extinguished, before being brought to a hospital to be stabilized before he will be taken away to be punished. This is when Tash’s world falls apart. The soldiers storm the village that night, and Tash’s mother and father are captured. Her father wrote a news pamphlet that talked of Buddhist teachings, something the government had banned. Tash is sent away with a secret message only he knows how to decode. She meets up with Sam and together they begin their journey to India. They journey across the mountains, facing cold weather, snipers, and the death of a yak before reaching India. After decoding the message, Tash is reunited with her parents. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. It was a good read that opens readers' eyes to the difficulties that Tibetans face in their homeland and shows the power of unity. Tash is a strong main character, being brave even when faced with danger and her parents’ uncertain fates. This book covers both past and current events makes readers feel for the characters. It is a good read for just about anyone and is easy to understand. I advise taking your time to thoroughly appreciate the book as although it is a quick read, it gives one much to think about. I also suggest reading past the end of the story to the facts about Tibet and be sure to read the author’s not at the start as both are enlightening. This is a fantastic book that inspires hope in readers and makes it difficult to part with it’s characters on the last page.


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