Science Fair by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson is a science fiction novel that depicts a futuristic story of a boy named Toby who is persistently willing to take risks and succeed through many spoiled kids in his grade preventing him from succeeding. The theme of the novel is taking advantage of the situation you’re in by cheating will pay back the price eventually. Toby Harbinger, who has made a huge mistake, owes his parents so he decides to win the science fair competition. Every year, the spoiled kids win the competition due to parents having significant power to sue the school. Toby went through harsh situations to attempt to win the competition. The book is interesting, entertaining, and overall a pleasant book since it is a unique science fiction work with intense dramatic irony. I agree with the theme that the book presents that we can all take away from this story since it displays how the theme is accurate as the story progresses. The possibilities that the book suggests are related to the theme, eventually you’re going to be paying the price if you’re cheating and getting into trouble. Online sources referring to the consequences of being unfair and taking advantage of a huge situation could eventually lead you to trouble. The book changed the way I thought about certain behavior acts by children and made me agree to the theme even more. This work reflects how people could act and take full advantage of a situation while being a terrible person overall. Science Fair depicts a story of Toby Harbinger facing harsh challenges, to win the science fair competition such as the spoiled kids bullying Toby at the same time being discouraged to move on while still being consistent. It is a pleasant read showing how different students behave when having a completely unfair advantage.
Science Fair by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (4/5)
Daniel Z.