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Since You've Been Gone by Morgan Maston (4.5/5)

Lenae S.

The book is set in a small summer town where we meet a girl named Emily. Emily is your average girl who tends to be on the introverted “stay in my comfort zone” side. However, her best friend, Slone, is a spontaneous, fun, and carefree person that can make friends with anyone. One Summer, Emily wakes up to find Slone completely gone. She won't answer calls, her house is empty, and Emily is panicking. In her desperation, she looks for anything related to Slone and comes across an old list that her friend made for her. Over the Summer Emily will complete this list pushing herself out of the norm in exciting ways and forming lasting relationships with people around her.

I really enjoyed this book to the point where I couldn’t put it down all weekend. Though it wasn’t the best book I’ve ever read, it was still pretty good and definitely worth my time.

This book was a really enjoyable read and I would recommend it to anyone whos looking for a fun YA summer novel that is filled with highs and lows along the way.

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