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Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo (4/5)

Addison F.

Six Of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is set in a land where magic exists. People known as Grisha, have magical powers that help them protect cities, as soldiers. One day a poison known as jurda parem that enhances Grisha's magic surfaces. However, while the substance creates no limits to Grisha's powers, it also has devastating effects. The creator of the poison, and possibly the only person that knows its potential and how to stop it, is locked away. He is being held hostage in one of the most heavily guarded places in the world. The main characters, the dregs, are a group of criminals that resort to pickpocketing, stealing and threatening to get what they want. The Dregs are given the task of finding the creator of jurda parem and bringing him back safely. If they can pull it off, they will be rewarded a large sum of money. This book always kept me engaged, and on the edge of my seat. It was fascinating trying to work out all the plans that the dregs find themselves pulling off. It was a great book and highly entertaining. I highly recommend this book to any reader that loves action and adventure. It is fast-paced and highly enticing from the moment you open the book.


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