Son by Lois Lowry, is the last part of “The Giver Quartet,” and follows a character named Claire who is living in a dystopian society, the same one as the first book, that controls the emotions and memories of the citizens. Her quest to find her son leads her to leave the community, which helps her discover her identity and the real world that she lives in. In the novel, it explores ideas such as sacrifice, individuality, dissent, and the result of a pursuit for maternal love.
The finale of “The Giver Quartet” connects the characters that are developed in the previous three books together to put the fragments of different perspectives on the dystopian society together, forming a larger picture. It demonstrates the importance of human emotion and decisions, as the choices that characters make have very profound impacts on the sequence of events. It prompts readers to ponder about human nature and how people’s morals and biases can change the way that people behave and think. Lois Lowry’s captivating narration provokes thought and emotions in the reader about how the world can relate to the fictional story.
The book Son ties together “The Giver Quartet” into a satisfying ending, showing how each main protagonist from the previous books plays a role in the society that is failing to allow individuality and dissent. It explores the implications of a powerful government controlling a society, people worshiping one ideology, and the natural resilience of humans when under the right conditions. Readers learn that human autonomy is extremely important to grow as a society, especially when all four main characters learn that their decisions have very real consequences, whether it is positive or not. Son joins all the perspectives from each community, answering many of the questions readers may have had from reading each of the stories previously.