Being the ninth addition to the series, this novel surely was a good one. From suspenseful plot twists and long-time coming answers, loose ends were tied but a bunch more were formed. Picking up right where the last book ended, Sophie Foster is on a mission to find her best friend and set things straight with her rivals. Unpacking some of her cities deepest secrets along the ride, she is now conflicted with who to trust and when to act. Not sure who is good and who is bad, leaves her very few options. People are lost, relationships become broken, and truth is found, forever changing her perspective on what her world is and the people surrounding her are. Sophie, being relatively new to this world, has a view no one else has. She sees things in a different way, both sides whether they are good or bad. Though, one thing is certain, the government they were currently in was not ok and what others were trying to achieve was also not ok. Her friends, being her entire world, aid her in trying to fix what's right, but becomes increasingly more difficult as their enemies gain leverage. Digging deep into the buried secrets of her world, she finds information that could never be taken back. She loses some people, destroys relationships in an act to better the world, but also builds bonds she’d never lose. She gives people chances and takes risks as being desperate leaves few options. She may regret some of them and she may be forever grateful she took them. In the end, uncovering the biggest secret and power source known to their world, changing everything into a fight for survival. This novel had a few boring parts but a lot of good parts. The not so interesting parts though, are necessary for the ending and brings this satisfying wrap up we all desperately wanted. The cliffhanger at the end just makes us all want the next book to come out as it is information we can only theorize about. I highly recommend this book series to anyone who likes fantasy and appreciates connecting to a text on a deeper level. It is very intriguing and always keeps you on your feet. The plot is exceptional and was what personally made me fall in love with reading. The style in which it was written really captures the audience and feels like you are spectating or watching a movie. Different from other novels where you're almost just listening to what is happening, it is very easy to envision what is occurring. In the end, this book series has changed me as a reader. Instead of reading because I have to or it’s good for me, I read because I want to and am excited to. This novel in particular might be one of my favorites in the series as a lot is found out. As stated above, I highly recommend giving it a read just because it’s a great series. The author, Shannon Messenger, is also local and some of it is based in San Diego which is also neat. Happy reading.
Stellarlune By: Shannon Messenger (5/5)
Gabriella P.